In the context of a European Union project (EU IPA13/CS-02.a) we analysed the design and performance of the Turkish wholesale electricity market, in order to:
- Identify areas in need of improvement; and
- Assess compliance with the provisions of the Third and Fourth EU energy packages
Our analysis covered a wide range of topics, including:
- The consultation process for the regulator’s decisions
- The merits of and design requirements for an effective capacity remuneration system
- The price formation mechanism in case of scarcity
- Integration of renewable generators in the market
- The supply of flexiblity provided by consumers and small generators
- Liquidity of the intraday market
- Liquidity of the future and forward markets
- Balancing perimeter and imbalance pricing
- Bidding behavior by the main generator
- Market surveillance
For each topic, we assessed the current situation, discussed options to address the issues identified, if any, recommended measures and assessed the time and resources necessary for their implementation in the Tukish market.

The full reports of the project are available at the following link: