In the context of a World Bank-funded project we provided support to the Multisector Commission for the Reform of the Electricity Subsector (CRSE). CRSE is working to produce a White Paper for the Reform towards the Modernization of the Peruvian Electricity Sector covering all relevant aspects such as institutional and regulatory signals, security of supply, the participation of RES, DSR and distributed generation, as well as sector coupling.
Our contribution focused on alternative organisational and regulatory models for the electricity transmission sector in Peru. Our activities included:
- A review of the performance dimensions that are relevant in assessing alternative models in the transmission sector;
- A discussion and international review of alternative models and their implementation;
- A discussion of the current organisation of and regulatory framework for electricity transmission in Peru;
- A discussion of the measures to address the shortcomings of the current organisational and regulatory framework for electricity transmission in Peru
- The development of a conceptual framework for cross-border interconnection
The full report is available at the following link: